
Introduction Israel and Hungary maintain close economic and military relations. Hungary acquired a number of significant arms, including anti-aircraft systems, artillery, drones and cyber technologies. Israel – Hungary Relations Since 2010 Hungary’s Prime Minister Orban has built alliances with Israel, especially former Prime Minister Netanyahu.[1]Netanyahu, Orban, and the Resurgence of Antisemitism: Lessons of the Last […]


Introduction Israel and Greece are strong collaborators in aspects of military, intelligence, economy and culture. They are part of the “Energy Triangle”, that refers to the extraction of gas from Israel and Cyprus to Europe through Greece. Greece and Israel maintain strong military cooperation around joint army exercises and the share of intelligence information. Israel […]


Introduction Germany and Israel hold close diplomatic and economic ties, with Germany being one of Israel’s most important military and security partners in the EU. Israel is one of the five most important military exporters for Germany[1]Stockholm International Peace Research Institute as well as Germany’s second most important trade partner in the Middle East (after […]


Introduction Israel supplied arms to Georgia, including missiles and drones as well as training Georgian troops, until 2008 when the Ministry of Defense stopped issuing permits to trade arms with Georgia. This was apparently to avoid antagonising Russia as tensions between Russia and Georgia increased culminating in the South Ossetia war in 2008. Since then […]


Introduction Israel and Finland hold close economic and military relations. The total value of the Finnish-Israeli arms trade is close to 200 million euros, most of it has been conducted between 2000-2022. Finland acquired among others UAVs, anti-tank missiles, tank ammunition, communication systems and camouflage systems from Israeli arms companies. Israel – Finland Relations Finland […]


*The Denmark country page refers also to Greenland, that is an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark and under its military responsibility.[1]The Kingdom of Denmark includes Greenland and the Faroe Islands, which are autonomous with similar political structures and legal rights. They manage most of their domestic affairs, while the central … Continue reading Introduction: […]

Czech Republic

Introduction Israel and the Czech Republic keep close economic, diplomatic and security relations. Israel exported to the Czech Republic between 2009-2019 missiles, drones, and reconnaissance systems including upgrades of missile protection systems and combat jets.[1]Stockholm International Peace Research Institute In 2017 the Czech Republic announced they plan to spend some $7.1 billion over the next […]


Introduction Up until 2020, Israel-Cyprus military relations were limited, but with the US lifting its arms embargo on Cyprus and the plan of a gas pipeline from Israel to Europe through Cyprus, the relations between the countries are growing. Israel and Cyprus hold close economic, security and military relations with significant arms and security deals […]


Introduction The tight relations between Azerbaijan and Israel are based around oil, arms and intelligence[1]Gur Megido, This is how the strategic relations with Azerbaijan became the Liberman family’s business, 5.4.24. Israel buys oil from Azerbaijan and sells arms to Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan was Israel’s second largest arms buyer in 2015-2019[2]Israel’s arms exports over past four years […]

European Union

Introduction Israel is an associated state of the EU and enjoys close economic and diplomatic ties. Through Research & Innovation funds, the EU invested billions in Israeli companies and organizations, among them also arms manufacturers like Elbit, Verint Systems and IAI. Between 2018-2020 border security agencies of the EU purchased Israeli drones for maritime surveillance missions […]